The summer has flitted by. As usual, there were plans and wish-lists. And of course, most of those were thrown to the winds and other things came up to keep me occupied. The leaves are turning and winter is slowly setting in. And this time, I've really picked a crazy plan, a long-cherished desire : running a marathon next fall. At least it seems more realistic at the moment than a triathlon, simply because I haven't made much progress with learning how to swim (that is another epic tale). Our training program has started at a fairly gentle pace, with 30 minute runs twice a week for about 3 weeks now. It's getting harder and harder to wake up in the mornings to run, what with the cold and everything. I've started tucking my running clothes under my pillow at night so that they'll be warm in the mornings. Only the sneakers have been left out so far. This will only get more interesting from here on...if the plan doesn't get abandoned soon.
3 weeks ago